Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/171

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THE TONGA ISL/VNDS. lOS Toogoo Ahoo, the late king of Tonga, who it may^'be recollected was assassinated by Finow and Toobo Nuha. AVhen this young chief re- turned to Hapai, Mr. Mariner, who was upon a footing of great friendship with him, one day asked him how he felt himself, when the spirit of Toogoo Ahoo visited him ; he replied that he could not well describe his feelings, but the best he could say of it was, that he felt himself all over in a glow of heat and quite restless and uncomfortable, and did not feel his owji per- sonal identity as it were, but seemed to have a mind different from his own natural mind, his thoughts wandering upon strange and unusual subjects, although perfectly sensible of sur- rounding objects. He next asked him how he knew it was the spirit of Toogoo Ahoo ? his answer was, " there's a fool ! how can I tell you how T knew it ; I felt and knew it was so by a kind of consciousness ; my mind told me that it was Toogoo Ahoo." Finow used occa-- sionally to be inspired by the ghost of Moomooi, a former king of Tonga. We must now return to Finow and his army at the island of Pangaimotoo. A sufficient quantity of reeds and stakes hav- ing been procured, Finow and his army left Pangaimotoo and landed at Nioocalofa, for the purpose of rebuilding the colo (or fortress.) The