Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/226

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bled, and waited the arrival of the prince and his Hamoa friends. In a short time they came with presents of fine mats, dried cava root, &c. (the cava root of the Navigator's islands is greatly esteemed). These they laid down at the feet of Finow and his wife, Toobo ve Holla, who were seated opposite the entrance. Her majesty returned the compliment by presenting them with three or four English wine-bottles, an hour-glass, without either sand or stand, and some pieces of iron hoop, made sharp in the form of chisels ; which having received, they retired and seated themselves on one side, op- posite the party of Hapai singers. These latter now began a vocal concert, in the language and after the manner of the Hamoa islands. When they had finished, those from Hamoa sung, and so on alternately during four or five hours, after which the company broke up. The brides were not present at this concert ; and" the bride- groom, not finding himself much interested in it, soon gave them the slip. This ceremony, and these rejoicings, being Over, Finow again began to turn his attention towards Vavaoo. In the first place he dis- patched canoes to the diflferent Hapai islands, with orders to each, that all the male inhabit- ants (excepting two of the oldest for each plantation, to keep them clear of weeds, &c..