Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/306

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240 TRANSACTIONS AT opportunity of witnessing the miraculous absti- nence of this sort of fish. On the island of Tofooa there is a small vol- cano, situated near the northern extremity, from which smoke almost constantly issues, and pumice-stones are very frequently thrown out. An eruption of flame takes place, sometimes twice or thrice a week, and at other times scarcely once in two months, and generally lasts from one to two or three days. The way to the top is extremely difficult ; but Mr. Ma- riner, taking one of the natives of the island for a guide, resolved to ascend it. They began the ascent early in the morning, and, although their progress was much impeded by the quan- tity of loose pumice-stone, and often rendered very dangerous, they reached the top in about four hours. There was at this time no erup- tion of flame, which had ceased a few hours before, after having lasted three days j smoke there was, however, in abundance, but which did not much annoy them, as they were on the windward side : sundry explosions were also heard from within, like the noise of water being thrown upon burning pitch. The crater was about thirty feet diameter. Whilst they wer^ here, Mr. Mariner took care not to let his cdDapanion approach too near, lest he might