Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/403

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THE TONGA ISLANDS. 337 CHAPTER XI. Arrival of a canoe from the island of Tonga, bringing a chief and two young matabooles, with a petition from Toobo Malnhi : they give an account of the late transac- tions there, viz. Teoo Cava, chief of Hihifo, being joined by the chiefs and men that formerly belonged to Niooca- lofa, makes an attack on the fortress of Nookoo-Nookoo, and takes it : the enemy return in the night, and set fire to it — Teoo Cava, making his escape, is stopped and killed by a Fiji islander — Conduct of Ata in the defence of Hi- hifo, and the bravery of Maccapapa— Grief of Teoo Cava's widows for his loss — Reference to an anecdote in the mis- sionary voyage respecting Eliza Mosey (note) — Petition of Toobo Malohi and his chiefs to Finow : their reception by him, and ceremony of pardon — Toobo Malohi's con- versation with Finow, and his ultimate departure for the Hapai islands. Soon after Cow Mooala's arrival from the Fiji islands, Finow received intelligence from Toobo Toa (chief of the Hapai islands) that a canoe had arrived at I.efooga, from the island of Tonga, with a chief, and two young mata- booles. They came to petition Finow for par- don, in behalf of a great chief, named Toobo Malohi, elder brother of Toobo Toa, who had been long resident at the island of Tonga, and had defended the cause of Finow's enemies. As ,this chief brought very interesting informa- tion of all the recent events at the island of VOL. I. . Z