Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/419

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/ THE TONGA ISLANDS. 353 to a priest called Toohd Tka^ who was accusi- tomed to be inspired by Finow's tutelar god Toobb Total. On this island several enclosures or fencings are consecrated to this god : to one of which his daughter was carried, and the same offering and same kind of address was frequently made ; but in this case, not before the conse- crated house where the sick child lay, but where- ever the priest happened to be, which was gene- rally at his own house or at Finow's. It must here be remarked that those gods who have priests are invoked in the person, of the inspired priest wherever he may happen to be : those who have no priest are invoked at the consecrated house by a mataboole, as was the case in the late instance with Tali-y-Toobo, who has no priest. Toobb Total was thus invoked every day, in the person of his priest, during a fortnight or three weeks. Seated at the head of the cava ring*, he seemed much affected, and generally shed a profusion of tears. To their earnest en- treaties he scarcely ever made any answer, and when he did, it was, for the most part, to the following effect; " Why do you weary your- " selves with entreating me?" (speaking as if he were the god) " if the power to restore the " woman rested solely with me, I would dtp it : " be assured it is all done by the will of the

  • See the form of invocation, p. 99.