Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/441

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THE TONGA ISLANDS. that his father, just before he was taken ill, had sent two men to her to procure a rope, (she having the care of a store-house,) with orders to bring it to him secretly. These two mep, whose names were Toohengi and Boboto, (the former the son of Toobo Boogoo a priest, the latter a cook,) happening now to be pre- sent, the prince turned to them, and asked if they knew the purpose for which his father wanted this rope j^whom he meant to bind with it ?— Hearing this question, Mr. Mariner, who was sitting close to him, exclaimed " What 1 " did you not know that he intended to bind « and afterwards to kill Toobo Tea, the priest " of Toobo Total, to be revenged on this god " for not bringing about his daughter's re- " covery*?" This fact was afterwards confirmed by other persons, and particularly by certain warriors, who had actually received orders to seize Toobo Tea, and murder him. Thus was a plan of sacrilegious wickedness brought to light, which made all those who now heard it for the first time shudder at the mere thought :

  • ' No wonder!'* (for such was the general exr
  • This intention of the king had only been cautiously

whispered about^ among a few chiefs and matabooks, that were constantly with him ; and his sudden sickness and speedy death, which prevented him putting his threats into execution, had so occupied every body's thoughts^ that the circumstance for a time was forgotten.