Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/473

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THE TONGA ISLANDS. 407 and design, the reader may refer to the history of his conduct in the revolution of Tonga, (p. 71) where he suffered Toob6 Nuha's revenge to be the tool of his ambition, pretending to have no strong wish for the death of Toogoo Ahoo ; hence Toobo Nuha took upon himself the charge of assassination, whilst Finow re- mained on the outside of the house with his men waiting the result : thus he did not draw upon himself the odium of any one, as an actual murderer of Toogoo Ahoo ; all which fell upon the shoulders of Toob6 Nuha, equally as great and brave, but a more honest and a worthier man.- For a more striking instance, look to his deep design in the history of the as- sassination of his brother Toobo Nuha, who had been his own ally, and was then his most faith- ful servant (see p. 132) ; here again he made use of another man's revenge to effect his pur- pose ; and mark the admirable caution with which he steps in this affair throughout. He acknowledges that he promised Toobo Toa his assistance, but then states, as his reason, that he did it with the view of putting off Tooba Toa's intention for a time, under the false pre- tence, he says, that it was not yet a fit oppor- tunity; but in reality, as he tells the Vavaoo people, that he might find an occasion to pre- vent the mischief altogether ! But who can