Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/483

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THE TONGA ISLANDS. 417 set, strong, and graceful in action; his body- not corpulent, but muscular; his hair of a jet black, and curly, yet agreeably so, without being woolly ; his forehead remarkably high j his brow bold and intelligent, with a little au- sterity; his eye large and penetrating, yet joined to an expression of mildness ; his nose aquiline and large ; his lips well made and expressive ; his teeth remarkably large, white, and regular ; his lower jaw rather prominent; his cheek bones also rather prominent, compared with those of Europeans. — All his features were well developed, and declared a strong and energetic mind, with that sort of intellectual expression which belongs not so much to the sage as to the warlike chieftain : ambition sat high on his front, and guided all his energies : his deep and penetrating eye, and his firm and masculine deportment, while they inspired his adherents with confidence, struck awe to the minds of conspirators : his actions were, for the most part, steady and determined, and directed to some well studied purpose ; his resolve was fate, and those who obeyed him with reluct- ance trembled, not without reason. He ap- peared, almost constantly, in deep thought, and did not often smile ; — when he spoke, in mat- ters of some importance, it was not without first holding up_ the balance in his mind, to weigh VOL. I. EE