Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/53

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heite is also called by the Tonga people Taheite.

P. 156. Boyd, the white resident, noticed as being inspector of the native shipwrights, had the same occupation even in Mr. Mariner's time, (1806). The purchase of the Lilly-bird, here mentioned, he also heard the particulars of: the white residents called her the Lady-bird. Besides the schooner, the king gave the American captain 4000 dollars, and a number of hogs, in exchange for her. When Mr. Mariner saw her, she was being coppered, under the direction of Boyd. The king said that he should invade Atooi as soon as she should be ready for sea.

P. 157. Clerk, captain of the king's packet, and Hairbottle, captain of the Lilly-bird, Mr. Mariner also knew very well. The latter very often acted as pilot; he might also be called harbour-master to the king. He is mentioned in the second volume of the present work, p. 62.

P. 162. The author here mentions the laborious method of cultivating taro, and states, that even the king sometimes as-