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In August, 1780, masses of rock were procured, and the "petite rivière" was begun, and also a hill was thrown up "pour couvrir la grotte."[1]

In September, 1780, "Bourdin a passé la journée . . . à poser le deuxième pont venant du coté de la grotte."[2] This second bridge was probably the present Rocher bridge, being the second placed over the lakes. Neither of these two bridges would be the "pont de bois,"[3] and "la conduitte en bois,"[4] two descriptions of, and identical with, the one alluded to in the words "ravin du petit pont," which was said to have been erected on high ground "au dessus du Rocher du Ravin."[5]

In December, 1780, the work was finished: "Conduitte de l'exécution de la grotte, petite rivière, et chutte d'eau retombante dans le grand lac, autre petits ravins dans la montagne près du grand lac à la fin de la petite rivière de la grotte."[6]

  1. Arch. Nat. O1, 1875.
  2. Ib.
  3. Ib. O1, 1882. (There was also a "pont de bois à la porte verte" on the east side of the house, Arch. Nat O1, 1881 and 1882.)
  4. Ib.
  5. Ib. (Souvenirs d'un Page, D'Hezecques, p. 242).
  6. Ib. 1877.