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SO So.



See Cyperus rotundm.

Soul, principle of ha rm o n y in the. term, eic^.

所 姓 X IV, 4I.. —- 鏔 姓 X I V , 435. So3. 葰 姓 X I V , 435. So 3*(〇 • 率 姓 X I V , 5!3. 一 索 姓 XIV,的 . So4* . 朔 姓 X I V , 512. So 3 (b).



S 〇'lL


瑣 里


Sobriquets, See Names, fancy. Social intercourse in general. 交 誼 總 Socks. See Hose. Softness. See Hardness and softness. Sogdiana. See Samarkand. Soil. See Earth (soil). Solanea, sp. 狼 毒 X X ,响 . Solatium dulcamara^ L . 白 X X ,158.

South-pointing chariot, Sovereign and subject.

南 北 史 XXI>

See Jle'ng M . (in Hunan).



See Prince and minister.

X X V I J , 299, 300.


See Hawfinch, etc,


See Chiu.


S p e a r s and lances.

See Yang-tsze R.

Vehicles, X X X I I , 174.

Spades and hoes. 鍫鋤 X X X I I , 243 . S parrow (and other b i r d s ) . 雀 X I X , 38-40.

XIII, r-5.

Soldiers (as opposed to officers), distinguished. 士 列傳. See Military organisation, X X X , 66.

sp., pi-cJiien.



Soochow Soothsayers, famous. See Prognostication and magic, XVII, 74 5 > 746 . Sophora flavescens^ Ait. XX, 161. --- japonica, L. ^ XX, 255, 256. Sores. See also Infantile sores, etc. ■ -arising from scalding, bums, cautery, frost-bite, and varnishpoisoning.湯 火 灸 ■ 凍 漆 瘡 門 . Medical science’ XVII, 396. Sorrel { R u m e x ace/osa, L.). XX, 68. See Deuizia, See also Body and soul.

云鬼魄x v ,扣- " 、

特 用



洋菱X X , 72.

{Spinacia oleracea, L.).


Spiranihes australis^ Ldl.


Spirit distilled from grain.

of Earth.

X I X , 174.

XI X, 178.

I9 5 - I 9 9 -

Songs, collections of.

m m -

繩 虎

Spine, pathology of.

XIX, r46. Solidago virgo aurea} L. 劉 寄 奴 x x , Son and parents. See Father and son ; Mother and son. Sons, education of. See Education of sons. --- famous for filial piety. See Filial piety and fraternal love, XXII, 179-224. • -and grandsons. 子 孫 XII,59, 60. Sons-in-law. See Father-in-law and son-in-law. • -Imperial. See Imperial Princesses and their husbands. Sonckus and Laciucai sp. XX, 59.

X V ,53.

, 291.

Special appointments for exceptional qualifications. ii5 ,巧

 % ^ y in g -h u or * fly-tiger/

• 比 目魚

樂 府 XXIII,235-242. F . 蘇 州 餘 VI ,669-688.


Speech . 言 語 X X I I , 77- 8 o . Spelling. See * Tones J and spelling. Spider• 獅 蛛 X I X , I77.

蜀 羊 泉 X X , I76. --- nigrum, L . 龍 蔡 X X , 164. Solar p h e n o m e n a . 日異 1 IV, 18-24.

■ -(in two distinct parts).

K u e i-c h U

watercourse (of ancient China).

--- lyraium^ Thbg.

Soul, the.

X X I X , 72.

S o u t h e r n sacred mountain.




羅 See So3*-hi3⑷. 秦 盧 J ^ X I V ,622. So-sha-mu 縮, 蕃 . See A m o m u m . So-f aio. 蓺 蜜 - See Sambucus Tkunbergiana. So-yang. 鎖陽See Cynomorium.

Sorrow and delight.

X X V I I , 304, 305.

4 S o u t h e r n History" and ( Northern History/

So-Io tree.

W e


Southern Guardian mountain.

See Yarkand.


See L i [a comprehensive ethical

See Acoustical phenomena.

m u s i c a l .

See Rain-clothes of coir.


6 r i -b h o j a

See Medical science, XVII,

, 106.

See Wine.

See Earth, personified.

of injury and destruction, sacrifice to.



XXVIII, 246.

See also Dragon spirits ; Horse spirits.

雜 鬼 神

good and bad, miscellaneous.

of the hills.

魍 魍

XVI11,3 9 _ 4 6.

X I X , S 7.


and the supernatural in general.

X V I I I ,卜8.

Spittoons• 唾 壺 X X X I I , 236. Spleen. See Viscera. Spoons, ladle-shaped. ^ X X X I I , 198.

(straight-handled), forks and c h o p s ti ck s. 匕


II, 1i- i 4.

beginning of (about February 5).

second m o n t h o f .


II, 29-31.

季 春 11, 3 3 - 3 6 .

third m o n t h of.

‘Spring and A u t u m n Annals.’ S p r i n g s . 泉 V , 3 卜3 7.


H, 18-20.

II, 15-18.

first m o n t h of.

h o t .

X X X I I , 213.



XXI, 167-210.

, 38.

、 _

Sprinkling and sweeping (in honour of guests, etc.). X V , r〇 7-

Sprites. See Elves, sprites and hobgoblins. Square and compasses. See Compasses, etc. Squirrel.

纟rivasti “


X I X , 84.

(in K o 6 a l a ) . 室


羅 伐 悉 底

室 利 佛 逝


VIII , 75.
