Page:An alphabetical index to the Chinese encyclopaedia.pdf/24

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(6) A very few collective cross-references, gathering up a number of consecutive subheads under one familiar title. E.g. 'Five Classics, the. See XXI, 59-264'.

I must gratefully acknowledge the valuable help I have received from my father, Professor Herbert A. Giles of Cambridge University, who, as the possessor of a copy of the above-mentioned small edition of the encyclopaedia, was able to correct or verify the translation of a number of difficult headings.



b. Biographies
C. Chou, 州, Department.
C.L.C. Chih-li Chou, 直隸州, Independent Department.
C.L.T. Chih-li T'ing, 直隸廳, Independent Sub-prefecture.
F. Fu, 府, Prefecture.
K. Kuo, 國, Foreign country, nation or tribe.
M. Mountain or range of mountains.
Mil. Dist. Military district.
Mil. Stat. Military station.
R. River.
sp. Species.
T.F. T'u Fu, 土府, Native Prefecture.


Page 2, col. 1, Allegiance: for 'returning to' read 'swearing.'
Page 2, col. 1 Amomum: for 密 read 蔤.
Page 5 col. 2 Bravos : for XIV read XVII.
Page 7 col. 1, Centipede, harmless sp.: for read .
Page 15 col. 2: For 'Ch'in' read 'Ch'in-sê', and insert after .
Page 16 col. 2: For 'Chiu-hsing-chang-kuan' read 'Chiu-hsing-ch'ang-kuan.'
Page 20 col. 2: After 'Commentaries' add 'and biographical literature.'
Page 23 col. 2, Drinking-vessels of rhinoceros horn: for 'rhinoceros' read 'buffalo.
Page 25 col. 2, Falls: dele 'Open.'
Page 31 col. 1: Before 'Hang3' insert 'Hang3 (b). XIV, 307.'
Page 37 col. 1: Before 'Hu1* (b)' insert 'Hu1. XIV, 100.'
Page 45 col. 2: Dele 20th entry (Ku1, etc.).
Page 46 col. 1: Add to 10th entry '[See also Ku3-ch'êng2.].'
Page 47 col. 1: For 'K'uei-i' read ''K'uei-wei.'
Page 48 col. 2: Before 'Lan2' insert 'Lan2. XIV, 369.'
Page 53 col. 2, Lute: After insert .
Page 87 col. 2: For 'T'u-fan' read 'T'u-po.'

Insert the following cross-references:

'Biographical literature. See Commentaries, etc.'
'Chü. . See Vegetables, pickled.'
'Chung ho. See Golden mean, etc. '
'Dialects. See Words and phraseology, etc.'
'Ewers. See Wash-basins and ewers.'
'Shih Ch'ang T'an [text]. See Words and phraseology, etc., XXIV, 143.'