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BRONZE Bronze.

Butterfly. 蝶 X I X ,169.

See C o p p e r a n d bronze.

inscriptions on.


See Inscriptions.

Cabbage, Chinese (Brassica cktnensis, L.).

See Winnowing-baskets a n d brooms.




X I I 61-72,

f a mous for their fraternal love.

love, X X I I , 179-224.

Brothers-in-law. B r o w n grebe.

Brunella vulgaris, L.



thin wheaten.

X X X I I , 222.



I 5 I.

See Images.

— — monasteries.


XVIII, 207- 2 1 1 [b.

See Monasteries.

•那 父

醉 魚 草


,偷 .

See Beasts, strange, X I X , 124.


See Beasts, strange, X I X , 123.

Buffcoats a n d h e l m e t s . 甲胃父父 ,267. B u g s a n d lice. X I X ,1 88. Buildings, etc., strange manifestations connected with.








奔 那伐彈那 B u r i a l of unclaimed corpses. 掩 B u r m a • 細 國 VIII , 105. B u r d w a n .




VIII 75f

X V , 9 3 , 94.

See Sores arising from scalding, burns, etc.

B u r w e e d (Xanihium strumarium, L.). 蒼 耳 X X ,1 5 6 , Burying-grounds. See T o m b s a n d Burying-grounds. Bustard (Oh's t a r d a ) . 辛鳥 X I X ,28. Butcher-bird.

See Shrike.

Buiea frondosa, Wall.



See C r eam, etc.



X X ,⑴ •

C a m b o d i a (CMn-Ia) . 眞 臘 VIII,i o i .

(Hu-nan)• 扶 南 VIII, 97.

C a m e l • 麟 驗 X I X , I〇3. See Datura alba, etc.


C a m p h o r tree (Laurus camphora, L.). Canara, North. See Konkan. Candidates for public examinations.


X X , 150. X X , 259.

See Examiners and candidates.


Candidates’answers to examination questions. Candles. See Lanterns and candles. C a ngue • 柳I X X X I ,147. Cannons. See Attack by fire, X X X , 95.

,S 7- S 9-

Bupleurum falcatum^ L.,and B . octoradiatum, Bunge.

XIII, I〇8 -III. XX, ti i .

appointment and selection o f . 鄕

,3S - 38 .

See Halls a n d noted buildings.

Bullets• 彈 X X X , 28s. Bullfinch. See Hawfinch, etc. Bull-fish (not identified).

漠 藜 xx,

iheifera, var. macropkylla, Sieb.

IV, 1 5 9 ­



Camellia japonica, L.

See Ox.

in general.

讒謗 富

Calystegia heieracea^ Wall .

japonica^ Miq.

Buffalo, h s i - c l i u . 摩





X X I V ,6o -82.

See Visiting.

C a l u m n y and abuse.

See Priests.

— — % ” tsui-yU,ts'ao,

X X I I , I35_

兮(^Tribulus terresfris, L ) .

Buddleia officinalis, Max., ^xAEdgeworthia Gardneri, Meissn. ^ X X

法帖 Calls.



X X V I I , 268.

Year, the, in general.

X V I I I , % - I〇6.


X X X I I , 235.

Calico. % XXVII, 313, 314. Calicut. 車 離 VIII,6o. Caliphs, realm of the. See Arabs. Calligraphists. X X I V , 9 2 -130 b. 95-126]. Calligraphy, famous specimens of, copied from inscriptions, etc.

See also Religions of China.

laity, devout m e m b e r s of the. 207-210].

Caldrons. See Cooking-pots. Calendar, the. See Astronomy and mathematical sciences in genera]

B u d d h a s a n d Bodhisattvas. 佛 菩 薩 X V I I I ,77-89. B u d d h i s m . 釋 教 X V I I I ,59-76.

--- -images.

, 136.

X X V I I , 267.


of strength.

Buck-bean {Menyanthes trifoliatay L.). 睡 茱 X X , 7 4 . Buckets for drawing water. See Well-sweeps. Bucklers. See Shields a n d bucklers.



Calabash. See Gourd. Calamities. See Troubles and calamities. Calculation of future events. See Prognostication.

X X I V , 147, 1 48.

B r y o n y (Trichosanihes Kirilowii, Max.). Buboes. See Ulcers a n d buboes.

Buddhist canon.

CcBsalpinia sepiana} Roxb.

of meat and rice, fried.

X X , 136.

X X , 59.

Cajolery and trickery. 欺糸台 XIII ,103. Cakes. See also Rice cakes.

X X , 2^2.

of camels -hair, used as pens.


Cachalot toothed whale. 劍 魚 _ See Fishes, strange, X I X , 150. Cactus {Opuntia Dillenu, Haw.). 仙 人 掌 X X , I7 2. Cages, bamboo, used as lanterns, censers, etc.



Brushes, feather.

See Filial piety a n d fraternal

See Sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law.

Broussonetia papyrifei^a, Vent.



X X V , 39-41.

See Answers, etc.

Canonical and other literature in general•經籍系恩部 X X I ,1—50. Canonisation. XXVIII, 105-129. Canouge. See Kanauj. Canton. See Kuang-chou F. Capital p u n i s h m e n t •

重 辟 X X X I , i S 7-i 59. Capitals, foundation of. 建 都 V ,i 〇 9- I20.

sWfting of. 留 都 V , 121, 122.

Capping ceremony (on the attainment of m a n h o o d ' XXVIII, i5-i9.

Caps and hats.




a n d robes official

X X V I I I , 332—3 3 4 .

. 冠服

Capsicum anomalum, Fr. & S .


) 这示埋

X X V I I I , 3 1 7 —3 3 1


See Prisoners of war.


, 164.