Page:An emigrant's home letters.djvu/137

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hill coolies from India on the ground, they state, of not being able to give the price of European labour, which is at present from £15 to £20 per annum and rations. But I think things will shortly improve.

In your last letter you remind me of my duty to assist my father, and I am sorry and ashamed to tell you it is not in my power at present to remit anything home. At the earliest possible period I will do so. I think I may say for certain in the course of this year. I often wish he was here with me, as I am sure I could make him comfortable. I could take a farm of thirty acres within a few miles of Sydney at as low a rent as I pay for our house in the town, or I could purchase an allotment of land and build ourselves a cottage outside the town, but to all these things at present the objection is Clarinda's being left alone at those times when my situation requires my absence for weeks together. I have not time to say more, as a ship sails this afternoon. Give the united love of myself, wife, and child to all. Clarinda and Clarinda Sarah are both well.

I am, my dear sister.
Yours most affectionately,