Page:An emigrant's home letters.djvu/82

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Wednesday, March 27th.—Left Gravesend this morning between ten and eleven o'clock. Came to anchor for the night in three or four hours, about five miles below the Nore. All confusion on board these two days,

Thursday, March 28th.—The anchor heaved just before I got up. Went on deck about six o'clock. A beautiful clear morning. Went along very delightfully, with a good deal of sail set. Past Margate just before one o'clock. The sky now began to get cloudy. About two o'clock a sudden squall of wind with a sharp storm of hail caught us, and put us all in confusion and fright. We were now opposite Ramsgate. The weather continued rainy and bad the remainder of the afternoon. Came to anchor in the Downs about six o'clock, a little distance from shore, opposite Deal.

Friday, March 29th.—Got the anchor up at ten o'clock this morning. Went along merrily with a good wind very near shore. The line of coast from Deal to the white cliffs of Dover presented many pleasant views. In sight of Dover Castle about twelve o'clock. A delightful view of Dover and Shakespeare's cliff. Saw the coast of France on the opposite side of the channel for about three hours. Very little sun