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Nature's Remedy for Diseases that Afflict Humanity.

The efficacious developements of Patton's Chalybeate Mineral Well and Springs, near Towanda, Pa., are attracting the inquisitive and serious attention of invalids, in search of healing waters. The curative properties of the well, alone, are thus far unrivalled. A few of the wonderful cures its waters have effected, are briefly given below.

Scrofula.—Joel Stockwell, aged 70 years, was attacked about thirty years ago with scrofula, which, during the past eight years, caused him much suffering.

Previous to his death, the late Dr. E. H. Mason, of Towanda, visited the well, and gave it, as his opinion, that its waters would cure cases of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism, general debility, erysipelas, salt rheum and cutaneous, or skin diseases, generally; the old man taking the hint, commenced drinking copiously of the water, and bathing his limbs in it. In a few weeks his sores were all healed up and, since then, he has been a perfectly sound man.

Jennie Munn, aged 12 years, had a breaking out of scrofula on her left cheek and behind her right ear; she drank the water about two weeks, and her sores were entirely healed up.

Maria Osborne, aged 20 years, had a breaking out on her face, evidently of a scrofulous character; she drank the water and washed her face in it, and in a short time the sores entirely disappeared.

Leonard Stockwell had a very bad ulcer in the inside of his mouth; he drank the water and washed his mouth with it, and, in ten days, he was entirely cured.

Erysipelas.—Charles B. Stockwell, aged 32 years, for several years past, was regularly attacked, every summer, with erysipelas; he drank the water a short time, and has had no attack of it since.

General Debility.—Mrs. Fanny M. Stockwell, aged 63 years, was so enfeebled from general debility that she could scarcely walk across the street; she drank the water a short time and is now able to walk to Towanda—a distance of three miles—and back again the same day.

Rheumatism.—John Dunfee, aged 30 years, had the rheumatism, ever since he was a little boy, and the copious use of the water cured him in a very short time.

Paralysis and Dyspepsia.—Gen. Patton received two successive strokes of paralysis, which greatly enfeebled him, and partially paralyzed his powers of speech, and by drinking the water, occasionally, and, on one occasion, continuously, for ten days,