Page:An essay on the origin and relative status of the white and colored races of mankind.djvu/45

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Asthma.—Maj. E. W Hale was afflicted with Asthma, and, after seeking relief at various watering places, he derived more benefit from the water of this well than from any other; and, now, uses it as a common beverage.


An analysis of the Well water, by Prof. Greene of LaFayette College, Easton, Pa., shows it to contain

"An abundance of free Carbonic Acid;

[1]Sesqui Oxide of Iron:

Carbonate of Lime:

Carbonate of Magnesia;

Chloride of Sodium;

Chloride of Potash;

Sulphate of Lime;

Sulphate of Magnesia;

and a trace of Silica."


Page 13, line 13, make whehter read whether.

Page 13, line 16, make white read whites.

Page 28, line 29, make tbich read thick.

Page 35, line 2, make suppesing read supposing.

Page 36, line 5, 6, 10, 11, make Savior read Saviour.

  1. The Sesqui Oxide of Iron contains the best ingredients, for medical preparations of iron, known to the Medical Profession; and this water is supposed to be more highly charged with it than any other mineral water In the State, or, probably, in the United States.