Page:An essay on the transfer of land by registration.djvu/80

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William Robinson, all my estate and interest in the said piece of land, subject as follows, that is to say — a lease, No. 20, dated 4th August, 1858, from me the said John Smith, to John Morris, of Kapunda, miller, at the yearly rent of £^0, payable half-yearly. Term — seven years, and right of purchase at any time during the said term at the price or sum of £1,000 ; and subject also to bill of mortgage. No. 30, dated 6th November, 1858, from me, the said John Smith to Alfred Perkins, of Norwood, Esquire, for the sum of ;^400. Date when payable, 6th November, i860. Rate of interest, ;^io by the ;^ioo in every year. In witness whereof I have hereunto signed my name, this twenty-second day of January, 1859. John Smith.

Signed on the day above named by the said John Smith in the presence of Thomas Browne, Adelaide.

[Endorsement to the above.]

Correct for the purpose of Registration — William Robinson.

Appeared before me, at Adelaide, the 24thday of January, 1859, Thomas Browne, of Adelaide, the attesting witness to this instrument, and acknow- ledged his signature to the same ; and did further declare than John Smith, the party executing the same, was personally known to him, the said Thomas Browne, and that the signature of this said instrument is the handwriting of the said John Smith. (Signed) Thomas Johnson, J. P.

Grant of Right of Way.

(B) [South Australia.

Memorandum of Sale.

I, John Smith, of Adelaide, carpenter, being registered as proprietor (certificate of title, vol. V., folio 37) of an estate in fee simple in all that Section of land situated in the Hundred of Goolwa, County of Hindmarsh, containing eighty acres, be the same little more or less, and No. 1300, bounded as described in certificate of title aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of Twenty Pounds paid to me by John Watkins, of Adelaide, the receipt of which sum I hereby acknowledge, do hereby grant to the said John Watkins and others claiming through or under him, owners or occupiers of the Section of land. No. 1300, in the said Hundred, full liberty and right of way, and of driving of horses and other cattle, and either on foot or on horseback, and with carts or other carriages to or from the well or pond situated on said Section No. 1300, for the purpose of watering such horses and other cattle, or of carrying away and using the water therefrom, such well or pond to be approached from eastern corner of said Section, No. 1300. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name, this twenty-seventh day of January, 1859. John Smith.

Signed on the day above-named by the said John Smith in the presence of Thomas Browne, of Adelaide.

[Endorsement to the above.]

Correct for the purpose of Registration — ^John Watkins.