Page:An illustrated flora of the Pacific States (vol. 1).djvu/23

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1. Ophioglossum vulgàtum L.

Adder's-tongue. Fig.

Ophioglossum ulgatum L. Sp. PI. 1062. 1753 Ophioglossum arenarim E. G. Brton, Torrey Club 24: 555. pl. 318, pl 319, f. 3. 1897 Opitioglossim aiaskanum E. G. Britton, Ball. Torrey Club 24: 556. pl. 3150 f. 5. 1897 Rhizome cylindrical, rather slender; fronds usually solitary, 10-40 cm. long: common stalk mostly epigean, one-third to two-thirds the total length of the plant; sterile blade usually sessile, flat, oblique. lanceolate, oblanceolate or spatulate, elliptical, oblong, or ovate, 2.5-12 cm. long, 1-5 cm. broad, rounded or obtuse, sometimes acutish, translucent when dry, the middle areoles long and narrow the outer ones successively shorter, hexagonal, with or without included veinlets; sporophyll 12-30 cm. long, the spike 2-4 cm. long, 1.5-3.5 mm. broad, apiculate; sporangia 10-30 (50) pairs Moist meadows, pastures, and thickets, mainly in the Transition Zone; Maine and Quebec to Alaska, south to the Gulf States and Washington: also in Eurasia Type locality: in Europe

2. Ophioglossum califórnicum Prantl.

Western Adder's-tongue. Fig. 2

Ophioglossum californicum Prant, Bericht. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. : 351 1883. Rhizome cylindric, stout, 1-2 cm. ong; fronds usually two, 3-11 cm. long; common stalk nearly all hypogean, 0.5-3 cm. long; sterile blade sessile or subsessile, usually conduplicate at least in the long tapering basal part), oblique, elliptic, lance-elliptic, or oblanceolate, 1.5-5 cm. , 5-10 mm. broad, acute, frequently apiculate, opaque; areoles narrow, with or without included veinlets; sporophy 1.5-9 cm, long, the spike 05-2 cm. long, 1-3 mm. broad. conspicuously apiculate; sporangia 8-15 pairs Among grasses in moist, stony situations, Upper Sonoran Zone; Amador County and high mesas near San Diego, California; also in Lower California Ensenada). Type locality: San Diego, California.

2. BOTRÝCHIUM Swartz, Journ. Bot. Schrad. 1800: 110. 1801.

Fleshy terrestrial plants. Rhizomes hypogean, erect, relatively small, bearing few to many fleshy often corrugated coarse roots, and frequently sheathed at the apex by the per sistent bases of old leaves; fronds 1-3; common stalk wholly or partially hypogean, erect short to elongate; sterile blade erect or bent down in vernation, sessile to long-stalked, 1-4 times pinnately or ternately divided or compound, free-veined; sporophyl a long-stalked simple spike or 1-5-pinnate panicle, erect, the large globose sporangia distinct, sessile or orne in 2 rows on the mate divisions; spores copious, sulphur yellow. Bud nearly for the following year borne at the apex of the hizome, enclosed within the base of the common stalk, either wholly concealed or visible along one side. Name aluding to the grape-like arrangement of the sporangia.] About 25 species, chiefly natives of the temperate regions of both hemispheres, mostly found in the United States. Type species, Ösmunda unaria I Buds devoid of hairs. Rhizome slender, short; sterile blade distinctly stalked; sporophyl long-stalked, erect in verna 1. B. mpler tion thizower stout, elongate; sterile blade sessile; sporophyll sessile or short-stalked, the tipw receurved Steriet ost wholly e Sterile ade wholye hents doenrvd e netrnati nriangular; sporophyll entirely bent " hown i mme at the tip in vernation, oblong to triangular-oblong; sporophyll 10η Buds ha Cothmion ita k mous pidcrani deud, of the following season exsposed along one sid a tisue er most Common stalk or nearly al hypogean; bud wholly enclosed; leaf tissue fleshy, wt straight epidermal cells. Blades coriaceous in drying, 10-30 cm. broad, broadly triangular or pentagonal, the seg ments crenulate Blades membrano-herbaceous in drying, 15-40 cm. broad, rounded-triangular or irregular in outline, lax, the segments minutely denticulate 6. B. silaifolim 7. B. californicum