Page:An illustrated flora of the Pacific States (vol. 1).djvu/554

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4. Phoradendron densum Torr. Dense Mistletoe. Fig. 1291.

Phoradendron densum Torr.; Trel. Monogr. Phoradendron 27. 1916. Plants much branched and dense, 10- 25 cm. high, the stem often 5-7 mm. thick at base, glabrous, the internodes 10-15 mm. long, terete or nearly so. Leaves obanceolate usually very obtuse, 9-15 mm. long, 4-6 mm. wide; spikes sometimes clustered, about 3 mm. long, 1-2-jointed, the staminate about 12-flow- ered; fruit straw-colored, subglobose, about 4 mm. in diameter. Parasitic on Sabina and Cupressus; Lake County, Oregon, south to San Diego County, California, and Arizona. This species has been confused with the Mexican species P. hoi- leanum Eichler. Type locality: Mt. Shasta, California. The plants on Cupressus usually have larger leaves than those on Sabina and are more or less intermediate between this species and P. pauciflorum Torr. to which Trelease refers them.

5. Phoradendron pauciflorum Torr. Fir Mistletoe. Fig. 1292.

Phoradendron pauciiioriim Torr. Pacif. R. Rep. 4: 134. 1857. Plants with stout, nearly terete stems and branches, 20-30 cm. long, the main stem often 6-7 mm. thick at base, the internodes 15-40 mm. long, glabrous, somewliat granular-varnished. Leaves oblanceolate-elliptic, obtuse 20-35 mm. long, 5-8 mm. wide; spikes mostly solitary, 4-5 mm. long and 1-jointed, or longer and 2-jointed; joints of the staminate spikes about 8-flowered, or sometimes more, those of the pistillate 2- flowered; fruit straw-colored, subglobose, 4 mm. in diameter. Parasitic on Abies concolor; Sierra Nevada, Cali- fornia to Lower California and Arizona. Type local- itv: Duffield's Ranch, Sierra Nevada, California.

6. Phoradendron coloradense Trel. Colorado Desert Mistletoe. Fig. 1293.

Phoradendron coloradense Trel. Monogr. Phora- dendron 39. 1916. Plants stout, 3-6 dm. high, with the in- ternodes 3-4 cm. long, 5-6 mm. thick, mi- nutely canescent, soon becoming glabrous. Leaves oblanceolate-obovate, very obtuse, 3-6 cm. long, 15-25 mm. wide, glabrous, cuneately petioled; spikes 3-5 cm. long, glabrous, with about 3 joints, the pistillate joints 6-flowered, the staminate 20-30-flow- ered ; fruit white, subglobose, about 5 mm. in diameter. Parasitic on Prosopis; desert regions of southern California and Arizona, from The Needles to Yuma. Type locality: Fort Yuma, Arizona.