Page:An illustrated flora of the Pacific States (vol. 1).djvu/572

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Adder's-Tongue Family 1 Adder's-tongue 2 Fetid California 449 Oregon 450 Western 2 Agave Desert 460 Shaw's 461 Utah 460 Alder Red 513 Sitka 513 Thin-leaved 514 . Wavy-leaved 513 White 514 Amaryllis Family 459 Amole Common 413 Narrow-leaved 414 Purple 414 Small-flowered 414 Androstephium Small-flowered 410 Aristida (see Grass) Arrow-Grass Family 96 Arrow-grass (See Grass) Arrow-head Arum-leaved 101 Broad-leaved 101 Gregg's 102 Montevideo 102 Sanford's 102 Arum Family 345 Asparagus 452 Aspen 486 Azolla Fern-like 35 Barley (see Grass) Bay Sierra 508 Bayberry Family 508 Beaked-rush (see Rush) Beard-grass (see Grass) Beech Family 514 Beech-fern (see Fern) Bell Fairy Hooker's 456 Large-flowered 455 Oregon • 456 Sierra 457 Rough-fruited 456 Yellow 426 Stink 421 Mission 423 Bent-grass (see Grass) Big Tree 69 Birch Family 510 Birch Glandular 511 Low, Western 511 Paper, Western 512 Scrub 511 Spring 512 BiRTHWORT Family 534 Blue-eyed Grass (see Grass) Blue-flag Western 462 Blue-joint (see Grass) Bog-asphodel California 2)72) Bracken Western 23 Brittle-fern (see Fern) Brodiaea Common 409 Many-flowered 409 Twining 408 Brome (see Grass) Brome-grass (see Grass) Bulrush California 274 Congdon's 276 Fringed 277 Great American 273 Pale 274 Olney's 273 Pacific Coast 275 Pale _ 276 Prairie 275 Reddish 277 River 275 Small-fruited 276 Viscid 274 Bunch-Flower Family 371 Bunch-grass (see Grass) Bur-grass (see Grass) Bur-head Creeping 99 Upright 100 Bur-reed Family 80 Bur-reed Broad-fruited 81 California 81. 82 Greene's 82 Narrow-leaved 82 Simple-stemmed 82 Small 83 Calla 346 Calliprora Common 399 Sierra 400 Calypso 482 Camass Common 415 Cusick's 415 Death 277 Camass Howell's 416 Leichtlin's 416 Canary-grass (see Grass) Candy-grass (see Grass) Cat's Ear Blue 433 Elegant 434 Yellow 433 Cat-tail Family 79 Cat-tail Broad-leaved 80 Narrow-leaved 80 Cedar Giant 71 Incence 71 Chain-fern (see Fern) Cheat (see Grass) Chess (see Grass) Chinquapin Giant 515 Sierra 515 Chives Wild 382 Chloris (see Grass) Cliff-brake Bird's-foot 31 Brewer's 29 Bridges's 30 Desert 31 Sierra 31 Slender 22 Suksdorf's 30 Clintonia Red 453 Single-flowered 452 Cloak-fern (see Fern) Club-moss Family 43 Club-moss Alaskan 45 Bog 44 Fir 43 Stifif 45 Club-rush (see Rush) Comandra Northern 528 Pale 528 Coffee-fern (see Fern) Coral-root Biglow's 484 Early 483 Merten's 484 Spotted 483 Striped 484 Cord-grass (see Grass) Cotton-fern (see Fern) Cotton-grass (see Grass) Cottonwood Black _ 487 Fremont's 487 Crab-grass (see Grass) Crypsis (see Grass) Cyperus Awned 257 Brown 256 Bush's 258 Coarse 261 Hansen's 260 Monterey 261 Parish's 258 Red-rooted 260 Shining 256 Short-pointed 258 Smooth 257 Straw-colored 260 Tall _ 259 Uniola-like 257 Cypress Family 70 Cypress Alaska 74 Gow'en 72 Guadaloupe 72 Lawson 74 Mac Nab 72 Monterey 72 Sargent 72 Cytherea 482 Darnel (see Grass) Deer-fern (see Fern) Deer-grass (see Grass) Disanthelium (see Grass) Dog-toothed Violet (see Fawn Lily) Dropseed (see Grass) Duckweed Family 346 Duckweed Gibbous 348 Greater 346 Ivy-leaved 347 Least 347 Lesser 348 Valdivia 347 Dulichium 278 Eel-grass Family 93 Eel-grass (see Grass) Elm Family 523 Ephedra Family 77 Ephedra California 78 Green 77 Nevada 78 Three-forked 78 Eragrostis (see Grass) Eriochloa (see Grass) Fairy Bells (see Bell) Fairv Lantern Golden 433 Mt. Diablo 432 Purple 432 White 432 False Helebore (see Helebore). Feather-grass

(see Grass)