Page:An illustrated historical album of the Rajas and Taaluqdars of Oudh by Darogah Haji Abbas Ali 1880.djvu/87

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No. 86.

Chaudhri Khaslat Husain, Shaikh, Taaluqdar of Kahali, Arwi Rahmanpur Asaish, Chaina, Tikatganj, and Gundemau.

The original ancestor of the above nobleman came from Arabia to Fariab, and from thence accompanied Emperor Timur Shah to Sandila, of which place he was nominated Chaudhri.[1] His descendant, Shaikh Firoz, received the title of “Khan” from Emperor Akbar and also the rights and privileges of Chaudhri, which latter honours were continued to the family up to the beginning of the reign of Nawab Saadat Ali Khan, who converted them into a fixed annual payment of Rs. 10,000 and the absolute gift of certain villages nankar.

In laterdays the grandfather of the present taaluqdar distinguished himself among the nobility of the province by investing extensively in land and by asserting his rank as a taaluqdar of Oudh. During the mutiny of 1857, his son, Chaudhri Hashmat Ali Khan, materially helped the British Commissariat with the resources of his estates in pargana Sandila, and with his own troops took a prominent part in fighting the mutineers and stamping out the rebellion. He also used his own personal influence and prevailed on many of his brother taaluqdars, who had fled, to return on condition of the safe protection of their possessions. Many were induced by him to replace themselves under our care and Government. Besides these services, Chaudhri Hashmat Ali Khan assisted the authorities by much useful advice towards the restoration of peace and order. A magnificent and tasteful Kothi and Mahalsarai belonging to him was completely destroyed by fire by the rebel leader Ahmad-ulla Shah. To compensate for this loss, which amounted to several lacs of rupees, Government bestowed on this loyal Chaudhri the proprietary right of taaluqs Asaish and Arwi Rahmanpur, comprising 43 villages and one patti, and also a khilat of honour of considerable value. After him succeeded the subject of this memoir.

Chaudhri Khaslat Husain is a man of great ability, and in recognition of his talents and influence an offer was made to him of the Secretaryship of the (Oudh) Anjuman-i-Hind, which he at once accepted, inasmuch as it placed within his reach the means of promoting the interests and well-being of his brother taaluqdars in the province He is an Honorary Magistrate and Assistant Collector in his own ilaqa. His son and heir, Chaudhri Muhammad Azim Sahab, has passed the pleadership examination, and is well known for his legal learning and various other accomplishments. He, too, is an Honorary Magistrate within the local limits of pargana Mallauwan, which forms a part of this taaluq.

Estate, 85 villages and 11 pattis in zilas Hardoi, Unao, Lucknow, and Sitapur. Government revenue, Rs. 72,640-5-3. The gaddi custom holds in this family.

  1. A favoured nominee entitled from Government to 1 per cent, on revenue during both rabi and kharíf crops, besides 4 annas from each landholder at time of payment of revenue and nazar of the landholder.