Page:An introduction to Dravidian philology.djvu/130

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spread change in the aspect of the Indo-Iranian dialects which were gradually shedding the old grammaatical forms of words based on their endings and taking up a natural turn In the Prakrits we find the grammatical barriers, prevailing in the Vedic and Sanskrit crumbling down and a reshaping given to them. We find this change with regard to gender also and declensional and conjugational signs receiving a general levelling. To the later Prakrit-speaking peoples, it was difficult to understand why a separate number should be allotted to two things, as distinguished from, say, three, four, or five things. It was illogical. At least they could understand only the distinction between one and many, and the state of the dual in the Vedic dialects helped the gradual dropping of the dual in the Prakrit languages. In such cases as Mitra' Varuna', Indra' Vaurna' , ya' suratha' rathi'tama'