Page:An introduction to physiological and systematical botany (1st edition).djvu/473

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with the decisive natural character which marks the plants in question. We easily perceive that character, and have only to ascertain whether any papilionaceous plant we may have to examine has 10 stamens, all alike separate and distinct, in which case it belongs to the 10th Class, or whether they are in any way combined, which refers it to the 11th.

** Stigma downy, without the character of the preceding section, for this and all the following are truly diadelphous. Very nice, but accurate, marks distinguish the genera, which are sufficiently natural. The style and stigma afford the discriminative characteristics of Orobusi, t. 1153; Pisum, t. 1046; Lathyrus, t. 670, 1108; Vicia, t. 334, 481483; and no less decisively in Ervum, t. 970, 1223, which last genus, notwithstanding the remark in Jussieu 360, "stigma nou barbatum" (taken probably from no genuine species), most evidently belongs to this section, as was first remarked in the Flora Britannica; and it is clearly distinguished from all the other genera of the section by the capitate stigma hairy all over; nor is any genus in the whole Class more natural, when the hi-