Page:Anatomy of the Human Body (1918).djvu/20

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  1. The Anterior Crural Muscles—
  2. Extensor Hallucis Longus 481
  3. Variations 481
  4. Extensor Digitorum Longus 481
  5. Variations 482
  6. Peronæus Tertius 482
  7. The Posterior Crural Muscles 482
  8. The Superficial Group 482
  9. Gastroenemius 482
  10. Variations 483
  11. Soleus 483
  12. Variations 483
  13. Tendo Calcaneus 483
  14. Plantaris 483
  15. The Deep Group 483
  16. Deep Transverse Fascia 483
  17. Popliteus 484
  18. Variations 485
  19. Flexor Hallucis Longus 485
  20. Variations 485
  21. Flexor Digitorum Longus 485
  22. Variations 485
  23. Tibialis Posterior 485
  24. The Lateral Crural Muscles 486
  25. Peronæus Longus 486
  26. Peronæus Brevis 486
  27. Variations 487
  28. The Fascia Around the Ankle.
  29. Transverse Crural Ligament 488
  30. Cruciate Crural Ligament 488
  31. Laciniate Ligament 489
  32. Peroneal Retinacula 489
  33. The Mucous Sheaths of the Tendons Around the Ankle489
  34. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Foot.
  35. The Dorsal Muscle of the Foot 490
  36. Extensor Digitorum Brevis 490
  37. Variations 490
  38. The Plantar Muscles of the Foot 490
  39. Plantar Aponeurosis 490
  40. The First Layer 491
  41. Abductor Hallucis 491
  42. Variations 491
  43. Flexor Digitorum Brevis 491
  44. Variations 492
  45. Fibrous Sheaths of the Flexor Tendons 492
  46. Abductor Digiti Quinti 492
  47. Variations 492
  48. The Second Layer 493
  49. Quadratus Plantæ 493
  50. Variations 493
  51. Lumbricales 493
  52. Variations 493
  53. The Third Layer 493
  54. Flexor Hallucis Brevis 493
  55. Variations 493
  56. Adductor Hallucis 493
  57. Variations 494
  58. Flexor Digiti Quinti Brevis 494
  59. The Fourth Layer 495
  60. Interossei 495
  61. Interossei Dorsales 495
  62. Interossei Plantares 495
  64. Structure of Arteries 498
  65. Capillaries 499
  66. Sinusoids 501
  67. Structure of Veins 591
  68. The Blood.
  69. General Composition of the Blood 503
  70. Blood Corpuscles 503
  71. Colored or Red Corpuscles 503
  72. Colorless Corpuscles or Leukocytes 504
  73. Development of the Vascular System.
  74. Further Development of the Heart 508
  75. The Valves of the Heart 514
  76. Further Development of the Arteries 515
  77. The Anterior Ventral Aortæ 516
  78. The Aortic Arches 516
  79. The Dorsal Aortæ 517
  80. Further Development of the Veins 518
  81. The Visceral Veins 518
  82. The Parietal Veins 520
  83. Inferior Vena Cava 520
  84. Venous Sinuses of the Dura Mater 522
  85. The Thoracic Cavity.
  86. The Cavity of the Thorax 524
  87. The Upper Opening of the Thorax 524
  88. The Lower Opening of the Thorax 524
  89. The Pericardium.
  90. Structure of the Pericardium 525
  91. The Heart.
  92. Size 526
  93. Component Parts 526
  94. Right Atrium 628
  95. Sinus Venarum 628
  96. Auricula 628
  97. Right Ventricle 631
  98. Left Atrium 633
  99. Auricula 533
  100. Left Ventricle 635
  101. Ventricular Septum 535
  102. Structure of the Heart 535
  103. The Cardiac Cycle and the Actions of the Valves 538
  104. Peculiarities in the Vascular System in the Fetus.
  105. Fetal Circulation 540
  106. Changes in the Vascular System at Birth 542
  108. The Pulmonary Artery 543
  109. Relations 545
  110. The Aorta.
  111. The Ascending Aorta.
  112. Relations 546
  113. Branches 546
  114. Branches of the Ascending Aorta—
  115. The Coronary Arteries 546
  116. Right Coronary Artery 546
  117. Left Coronary Artery 547
  118. Peculiarities 547
  119. The Arch of the Aorta.
  120. Relations 547
  121. Peculiarities 548