Page:Ancient and modern history of Buck-haven in Fife-shire (5).pdf/3

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they both pretend to fpeak Englifh and to have a liberal education; but is learning is no fo eafy to be obtained, ignorance and corruption of fpeech are greatly decreafed. In the county of Fife, on the fea coaft, there ftands a little town, inhabited by few but fifhers, called Buck-haven, becaufe of the fea buckies and fhells that are found fo plenty upon the rocks. in and about the palace ; there is little mention made of this town by hiftorians, to know its orignal extraction and anti- qualities, but in their own burgefs ticket, which was part of it perfect truths, but more of it by way of ampoon; this ticket was dated the two and thirty lay of the month Julius Caefar, their coat of arms was twa hands gripping each other over a fcate’s rumple, their oath was, “ I wifh the devil may tak me an I binna an honeft man to you in ye binna de ike to me “ An article of good neighbourhood they had, whoever was firft up in a good morning, was to raife all the reft to go to fea, but if a bad morning, they pifs and ly down -gain, till break of day. then aifes wife Willy who could judge the weather by he blowing of the wind.

Their freedoms were to take all kinds of fifh cuw.