Page:Ancient history of three bonnets (NLS104184532).pdf/4

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Which has been honourably won,
And handed down frae ſire to ſon,
But clag or claim for ages paſt:
Now that mayna prove the laſt,
Here's three permiſſion Bonnets for ye,
Which our Great Gutchers wore before ye,
And if ye'd hae na man betray ye,
Let naething ever wile them frae ye;
But keep the Bonnets on your heads,
And hands frae ſigning fooliſh deed,
And ye ſhall never want ſuch things,
Shall gar ye be made of by kings:
But, if ye ever with them part
Fou fair ye'll for your folly ſmart:
Bare-headed then ye'll look like ſnools,
And dwindle down to ſilly tools
Haud up your hands now ſwear and ſay,
As ye ſhall anſwer on a day—
Ye'll faithfully obſerve my will,
And a' its premiſſes fulfill.
Briſtle. My worthy father, I ſhall ſtrive,
To keep your name and fame alive,
And never ſhaw a ſaul that's daſtard,
To gar fouk take me for a baſtard:
If e'er by me ye're diſobey'd,
May witches nightly on me ride.
Joukum. Whae'er ſhall dare by force or guile,
This Bonnet aff my head to wile,
For ſic a bauld attempt ſhall rue,
And ken I was begot by you
Elſe, may I like a gypſie wander,
Or my daily bread turn pander.