Page:Anderson--Isle of seven moons.djvu/322

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"I'll tend to you after I've settled things with your thug friend here."

But she grew frightened when Pete at this uncomplimentary allusion detached himself from the group, sank into an even lower defensive crouch, thrusting forward his thick jaw insultingly and invitingly.

"If ye're looking for trouble, gents, we're glad to accommodate yer!"

But the Captain, essaying the thankless rôle of peacemaker, stepped in between them.

"Don't be a fool, Ben," he said a little roughly, then aloud:

"I don't know who you are, but you've got a right to stroll around this island as long as your intentions are all right. What are they?"

Sally felt relieved to have Captain Harve there. It was always good to have him around when there was trouble. He always seemed to be in command of himself as well as of his men. But, after all, it didn't work tonight.

"What the hell business 'av you got, buttin' in here," growled the man with the scar. She was near enough to see it now. It glowed peculiarly, she thought, and hatefully, even in the moonlight.

"Just because I tell you to get off," retorted Ben, circling around the barrier of the Captain's body and within a pace of the other's surly face. "Do you remember me?"

"No, s'elp me, I never seen yer ugly mug before."

"Take another look. But that's so, you only saw my back before."