Page:Anderson--Isle of seven moons.djvu/337

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"Laugh away—but I'm going to find something, I know I am."

Nine times she drove the point. At the last, she called in excitement:

"Hear that?"



But just as she spoke, she struggled with the pick. The point had caught in something. It was wrested free; fell again.

A dull ring!

"Don't you hear it?"

Another metallic sound, a little sharper this time, as the pick, driven with renewed force, fell again.

"The shovel, Ben!"

The boy and the bosun leaped down by her side.

Two shovelfuls Ben scooped and threw over the parapet, almost blinding Sally in his eagerness.

Another—the implement grated along a smooth, hard surface whose substance was like its own.

Sparks snapped from the impact.


Yes—it was. He brushed off the remaining particles of sand with his cap——

The rusted metal cover of a great chest was revealed.

Forgetting the watchers, the girl shouted.

"Look out, there's no use letting them know," warned Ben.

The group on the shore had paused midway in the deal and were gazing intently in their direction.