Page:Anderson--Isle of seven moons.djvu/371

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"Why don't you leave them? You can get to the North Star and help me escape."

"I will if——"

"If what?" Her question had a suspicious note.

"If you'll make good your promise to me."

"You can't mean what you're saying; you've been drinking, but you can't have fallen as low as that."

"You've got it coming, Sally Fell, after the way you've treated me."

"In Salthaven, we always considered the Huntingtons gentlemen."

"And a perfect hundred per cent lady always keeps her promise. Come, Sally, you know way down in your heart I could give you a better time, make you happier, than Ben Boltwood."

He reached towards her but she recoiled.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Philip Huntington."

"Just as you say, Miss Prisms and Prunes—but you'd better think twice—. Come, Sally, be a good fellow—just say the word and I'll see that you're safe."

"No, hard as your friends look, I'd rather trust them."

"Thanks," he bowed maliciously. "That's going some, but you'll change your mind—in the morning—after——"

"After what?"

"Never mind, you'll see."

"My answer will be the same—even if it means death."

He left her, and soon four of the five figures were stretched at full length in various postures around the glen, MacAllister keeping watch silently by the fire.