Page:Anecdotes of Great Musicians.djvu/43

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Messiah tortured into "Ze keens hof ze hurt rees hoop?" Who could be expected to know from hearing this sort of continental English that "The kings of the earth rise up?"

Then, when some celebrated Italian prima donna is called on to sing our national hymn, how patriotic we must feel to hear

"Mi coontray tees oof thee
Swet Landa of Leeberta,
Oof The Ih seeng;
Landa wer mifa ters dida,
Landa oof de peelgreem's prida,
Froma eefrey mon-tin sida,
Leta fretum reeng."


Queen Elizabeth is sometimes pictured as possessed of a temper which, carrying with it the power of revenge, made it greatly feared. The "Virgin Queen" is also reported by some writers to have been a proficient musician. Probably both statements are true. Although it was hardly safe to speak of her temper during her life, it was the proper thing to flatter her musical attainments. One of her desires was to excel Mary Queen of Scots, as a performer. But Elizabeth's temper did not always cause her to wreak vengeance on those who spoke in an unbecoming manner to the queen. This is instanced in the case of Dr. Tye, who frequently performed on the organ in the royal chapel. On one occasion while he was playing some music more scientific than tuneful, she sent the verger to him with the message that he was playing out of tune. The doctor's quick reply was:—

"Tell the queen that her ears are out of tune."

The queen let the remark pass without rebuke.