Page:Anecdotes of Indian Life.djvu/20

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A Moghul soldier who had fought for Babar in the field of Panipat had been assigned some lands in reward for his service. He had afterwards retired from active life and lived on them. It so happened in course of time that some one having interest at the imperial court dispossessed him, and the soldier in his distress applied to the Emperor himself for redress. Babar commanded one of his ministers to look into the man’s right and if it was just, to have his lands restored to him. The minister slept over the behest and weeks and months passed without bringing to the soldier the justice he had sought for. His patience almost worn out, he solicited and obtained another audience with Babar,―princes were so accessible in those good old days. "Your Majesty condescended to charge a minister with doing me justice" said the soldier, "and I have waited weary long for it, and it has not yet been done. Might not you yourself look into my case? I did not fight for you at Panipat by proxy, but myself charged your enemy lance in rest and suffered wounds in my own person for you.