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lieving in the Father and the Son, rejected the divinity of the Holy Ghost. But St. Gregory, Bishop of Tours, hearing of it, wrote him thus: “ Prince, as you do not believe in the divinity of God the Holy Ghost, will you explain to me why St. Peter said to Ananias: ‘Why hath Satan tempted thy heart that thou shouldst lie to the Holy Ghost? . . . Thou hast not lied to men, but to God.’ ” This argument was too much for the king. He then and there acknowledged his error and renounced his heresy.

Q. What do you mean by the Blessed Trinity?

A. By the Blessed Trinity I mean one God in three Divine Persons.

St. Patrick and the Shamrock

About four hundred years after Our Lord, St. Patrick was sent by the Pope to convert Ireland from paganism. He arrived on Easter Sunday at Tara, and forthwith proceeded to preach Christianity to the king and his assembled people. To illustrate the mystery of the Trinity he stooped and plucked a sprig of shamrock, and said: “ Behold this little plant which bears on one stalk three small leaves, the exact copy and resemblance of one another. They are distinct and yet one, for they form but one sprig and rest on one stalk. So too the God I preach to you is one in nature and three in person, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, each equally God, but possessing one undivided Godhead.” Ever since the Irish people have loved and cherished this little