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Q. Which were the chief bleesings intended for Adam and Eve had they remained faithful to God?

A. The chief bleesings intended for Adam and Eve, had they remained faithful to God, were a constant state of happiness in this life and everlasting glory in the next.

Happiness on Earth and in Heaven

When St. Bernard and four of his brothers had determined to leave the world and devote themselves to the religious life, they paid a visit to Fontaines to ask their father’s blessing. On bidding farewell to their home and family, one of them said to their young brother, Nivard: ‘‘Good-bye, Nivard; you are now heir to all our father’s possessions, and will enjoy the pleasures of wealth and honorable station.” “Ah, yes!” replied Nivard, “you take heaven and leave me earth; the shares are not equal, and I will not be satisfied with mine.” And, in fact, when he had grown to man’s estate, and his father had no longer need of his services, Nivard, too, entered the convent.

Q. Did Adam and Eve remain faithful to God?

A. Adam and Eve did not remain faithful to God; but broke His command by eating the forbidden fruit.

Who is Happy besides God?

Charles the Ninth, king of France, once asked the celebrated poet, Torquato Tasso, whom he regarded as the happiest being. The poet answered: “ God.”

“ Everybody knows that,” said the king. “ What I