Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/27

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I. On sumum oðrum[1] spelle we sædon hwilon ær. hu se Ælmihtiga God ealle ðing gesceop binnon six dagum. and seofon nihtum. ac hit is swa menigfeald and swa mycel on andgite ðæt we ne mihton secgan swa swiðe embe ðæt swa swa we woldon on ðam ærran cwyde. Ne we gyt ne magon swa micclum eow secgan on ðam deopan andgite swa swa hit gedafenlic wære. We wyllað ðeah eow secgan sum ðing deoplicor be Godes weorcum on ðysum soðum gewrite. ðæt ge wislicor magon witan eowerne scyppend mid soðum geleafan. and eow sylfe oncnawan. Næs nan mann on life on ðyssere langsuman worulde ðe ðas lare cuðe cyðan ænigum menn. ærðam ðe se Ælmihtiga God. se ðe ana is scyppend. he gecydde Moyse on ðam munte Sinai. and hine ðær lærde embe ðas deopan lare feowertig daga on an. and he ætes ne gymde on eallum ðam fyrste. ac hine afedde God. and he underfeng ða of Godes sylfes dihte ealle ða deopnyssa ðe he on fif bocu syððan afæstnode. Ða bec synd gehatene seo ealde gecyðnyss and seo ealde æ. ðæt is open lagu ðe God gesette Israhela folce. ærðam ðe Crist come to ðyssere weorulde on menniscnysse acenned. and he cydde him sylf ðæt gastlice andgit ðære ealdan gesetnysse his leorningcnihtum oððæt hit becom to us. Ðæra fif boca angin is ðysum wordum ongunnen. In principio creavit Deus cœlum et terram[2] ðæt is on Englisc. "God ælmihtig gesceop ærest on anginne heofonan and eorðan." Her ge

  1. See "Ælfric's Treatise on the Old Testament," edited by Lisle, and styled Lisle's "Ancient Monuments in the Saxon tongue." Published in London, A.D. 1623 and 1638.
  2. Gen. i. l.