Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/31

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ælmihtig scyppend. Mycel is se fæder.[1] and mycel is his wisdom and micel is heora lufu. Loca ðu nu georne ðæt ðu swa swyðe ne dwelige ðæt ðu gedon wylle ðone sunu læssan ðonne his leofa fæder is. oððe heora begra lufu, be ðinum lytlan andgite unmihtigran gemacian wylle. ac ðu ne miht swa ðeah. ðeah ðu swa micclū dwelige. gedon ðæt heora ænig unmihtigre beo ðonne Ælmihtig God. Eall seo ealde gesetnyss ðe we ær embe spræcon. and se hælend sylf on his halgan godspelle cyðað ða halgan ðrynnysse on soðre annysse. ænne Ælmihtigne God. æfre unbegunnene. se ðe næfre ne geendað. and hu wylt ðu nu furðor embe ðis smeagian. ðonne ðu sylf ne canst embe ðe sylfne soðlice smeagian. Sege me nu soðlice hu miht ðu geseon ðinne hrycg. oððe ðinne hneccan. ðeah ðu locige underbæc. oððe ðine agene sawle hu heo gesceapen is. Ðu scealt gelyfan on ðone lifigendan God. and na ofer ðine mæðe "motian" be him. ðy læs ðe ðu dwelige swa swa to feala dydon ðe ofer heora andgit embe ðæt smeadon butan geleafan. and for ðy losodon.

IV. On ðam forman dæge ure drihten gesceop seofonfealde weorc. ðæt wæron ealle englas. and ðæs leohtes angin. and ðæt antimber ðe he of gesceop syððan gesceafta. ða upplican heofenan and ða nyðerlican eorðan. ealle wæterscypas. and ða widgillan sæ. and ðæt upplice lyft. eall on anū dæge. Ða englas he geworhte on wundorlicre fægernysse and on mycelre strencðe manega ðusenda ealle lichamlease lybbende on gaste. Be ðæm we sædon hwilon ær swutelicor on gewrite. Næs na God butan leohte ða ða he ðæt leoht gesceop. he is him sylf leoht ðe onliht ealle ðing. ac he gesceop ðæs dæges leoht. and hit syððan geeacnode mid ðam scinendum tunglum. swa

  1. Thus too, Ælfric, in a homily upon the Catholic faith, "Hwæt is se Fæder? Ælmihtig Scyppend, na geworht, ne acenned, ac he sylf gestrynde Bearn him sylfum efen-ece. Hwæt is se Sunu? He is ðæs Fæder wisdom, and his Word, and his miht, ðurh ðone se Fæder gesceop ealle ðing and gedafode. Nis se Sunu na geworht, na gesceapen, ac he is acenned.... Uton we nu gehyran be ðam Halgan Gaste hwæt he sy. He is se willa and seo soðe lufu ðæs Fæder, and ðæs Suna, ðurh ðone sind ealle ðing geliffæste and gehealdene... Nis se Halga Gast na Sunu, forðan ðe nis na acenned. ac he gæð of ðam Fæder (illegible text) of ðam Suna gelice. for(illegible text) heira beigra willa and luf(illegible text)