Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/35

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rodor God gehet heofon. he is wundorlice healic and wid on ymbhwyrfte. se gæð under ðas eorðan ealswa deop. swa bufan. ðeah ðe ða ungelæredan menn ðæs gelyfan ne cunnon. And God ða todælde ðurh his drihtenlican mihte ða nyðerlican wæteru ðe wæron under ðam rodere fram ðam upplicum wæterum ðe wæron bufan ðam rodore. Be ðam upplicum wæterum awrat se witega ðus Laudate eum cæli cælorum et aquæ, quæ super cælos sunt, laudent nomen Domini.[1] "Heriað hine heofonas ðara heofona heofonas and eac ða wæteru ðe bufan heofonas synd. herian hi Godes naman." Ðus segð ðæt halige gewrit. Ne heriað ða wæteru mid nanum wordum God. ac ðurh ða gesceaftu ðe he gesceop wundorlice. his miht is geswutelod and he by swa geherod.

VI. On ðam ðriddan dæge ure drihten gegaderode ða sælican yða fram ðære eorðan bradnysse. Seo eorðe wæs æt fruman eall ungesewenlic forðam ðe heo eall wæs mid yðum oferðeht. ac God hi asyndrode fram ðam sælicum yðum on hyre agenne stede. swa swa heo stent oððis. Heo ne lið[2] on nanum ðinge. ac on lofte heo stynt ðurh ðes anes mihte ðe ealle ðing gesceop. and he ealle ðing gehylt butan geswince. forðam ðe his nama is Omnipotens Deus. ðæt is on Englisc. "Ælmihtig God." His willa is weorc and he werig ne byð. and his mycele miht ne mæg na hwar swincan. swa swa se witega awrat be him cweðende Quia in manu ejus sunt omnes fines terræ.[3] "forðam ðe on his handa syndon ealle ðære eorðan gemæru." Ða sæ he gelogode swa swa heo ligið git wiðinnan ða eorðan on hyre ymbhwyrfte. and ðeah ðe heo brad sy. and gebyged gehu. and wundorlice deop. heo wunað eall swa ðeah on ðære eorðan bosme binnan hyre gemærum. God sylf geseah ða ðæt hit god was swa. and het ða eorðan ardlice spryttan growende gærs. and ða grenan wyrta mid heora agenum sæde to menigfealdum læce-cræfte. and ða wyrta sona wynsumlice greowon mid menigfealdum blostmum mislice gebleode. God het hi eac spryttan

  1. Psalm cxlviii. 4.
  2. Junius reads "ligith."
  3. Psalm xxiv. 1; Isaiah ix. 7, &c.