Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/41

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ne beoð. and feala oðre cynn ðe ge ealle ne cunnon. Ða beoð lang-swyrede ðe lybbað be gærse. swa swa olfend. and assa. hors. and hryðeru. headeor. and rahdeor. and gehwylce oðre. and ælc byð gelimplic to his lifes tilunge. Wulfas and leon. and witodlice beran habbað strangne swuran. and sceortran be dæle. and maran tuxas to heora metes tilunge. forðam ðe hi lybbað heora lif be reaflace swa swa gehwylce oðre deor ðe deriað ðam oðrum. Đa ylpas beoð swa mycele swylce oðre muntas. and hi magon lybban ðreo hund geara. and man mæg hi wenian to wige mid cræfte. swa ðæt menn wyrca wighus him on uppan. and of ðam feohtað on heora fyrdinge. ðonne flihð ælc hors afæred ðurh ða ylpas. and gif him hwa wistent. he by sona oftreden.[1] Ac we nellað na swiðor nu embe ðis sprecan.

X. On ðam ylcan dæge ure drihten wolde mannan gewyrcan[2] of ðære ylcan eorðan. forðam ðe on ðysum fyrste afeoll se deofoll of ðære healican heofonan mid his gegadum for his upahæfednysse into helle wite. Ure drihten[3] cwæð be him on his halgan godspelle In veritate non stetit, quia veritas non est in eo.[4] "He ne wunode na on soðfæstnysse. forðam ðe seo sodfæstnyss nis nates hwon on him." God hine geworhte wundorlicne and fægerne. ða sceolde he. gif he wolde. wurðian his scyppend mid micelre eaðmodnysse[5] ðe hine swa mærne gesceop. ac he ne dyde na swa. ac mid dyrstigre modignysse cwæð ðæt he wolde wyrcan[6] his cynesetl bufan Godes tunglum ofer ðæra wolcna heannysse on ðam norð dæle and beon Gode gelic. Ða forlet he ðone ælmihtigan ðe is eall soðfæstnyss. and nolde habban his hla-

  1. The other MS. reads "ofertreden."
  2. The other MS. reads "gewyrcean."
  3. St. John viii. 44.
  4. St.
  5. The old MS. reads "eadnysse," probably an error of the scribe.
  6. See Isaiah xiv. 12-15.