Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/43

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fordscipe. ac wolde beon him sylf on his sylfes anwealde. Ða næfde he nane fæstnunge. ac feoll sona adun mid eallum ðam englum ðe æt his ræde wæron. and hi wurdon awende to awyrigedum deoflum. Be ðam cwæð se hælend her on ðysum life. "Ic geseah ðone sceoccan swa swa scinende liget feallende adun dreorig of heofonum."[1] forðam ðe he ahreas ungerydelice.

XI. Đa wolde God wyrcan ðurh his wundorlican mihte mannan of eorðan ðe mid eaðmodnysse sceolde geearnian ðone ylcan stede on ðæra engla geferrædene. ðe se deofol forworhte[2] mid his dyrstignysse. and God sylf cwæð ða. swa swa us segð ðeos boc. Faciamus hominem ad imaginem nostram et similitudinem nostram, et reliqua,[3] &c. ðæt is on Englisre spræce. "Uton gewyrcan mannan to ure anlicnysse and to ure gelicnysse." ðæt he anweald hæbbe ofer eallum fixum. and ofer fugolcynne and ofer wild deorum. and ofer eallum gesceafte. Her ge magon gehyran ða halgan ðrynnysse and soðe annysse anre godcundnysse. "Uton wyrcan mannan." ðær is seo halige ðrynnyss. "To ure anlicnysse." ðær is seo annys. to anre anlicnysse. na to ðrim anlicnyssum. On ðæs mannes sawle is Godes anlicnyss. forðam is se mann selra ðonne ða sawul-leasan nytenu. ðe nan andgit nabbað embe heora agenne scyppend. God ða geworhte of ðære eorðan lame mid his halgum handum mannan to his anlicnysse. and ableow on his ansyne liflicne blæd. and he wearð man geworht on lybbendre sawle. God sylf ða syððan gesceop him naman Adam. and

  1. St. Luke x. 18/
  2. Thus, too, Ælfric in the homily upon the beginning of creation, "Ða wolde God gefyllan and geinnian ðone lyre ðe forloren wæs of ðam heofenlicum werode. and cwæð ðæt he wolde wyrcan mannan of eorðan. ðæt se eorðlica man sceolde geðeon. and geearnian mid eadmodnysse ða wununga on heofenan rice. ðe se deofol forwyrhte mid modignysse."
  3. Gen. i. 26.