Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/61

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admonitio ad filium spiritualem.

gelican. ac ðu habban scealt ða gastlican wæpna ongean ðone gastlican feond. He byrð isenne helm and isene byrnan ðæt he ne beo gewundod fram his wiðerwinnan. ac beo Crist sylf in helm se ðe is ðin heafod. and beo Cristes geleafa for byrnan ðe sylfum. He sceotað his flan and his scearpe spere ongean his wiðerwinnan. ac ðu witodlice scealt mid halgum Godes wordum ðinne feond sceotian. and cweðan on ðinum mode. "God is min gefylsta. and for ðy forseo soðlice mine fynd:" He ne awyrpð nateshwon his wæpna him fram. ærðam ðe ðæt gewinn wurde geendod. and ðu ne miht. beon orsorh on ðinum gewinne forðam ðe ðin feond is fakenfullra ðonne his. His feond fyht sume hwile. ac ðin ne geswicð næfre swa lange swa ðu leofast on life mid mannum. His wæpna syndon swære him sylfum to berenne. ac Cristes geoc is wynsum. and his byrden swiðe leoht ðam ðe lufe habbað to ðam leofan hælende. Se woruld-cempa gecyrð, syððan he sige gewind. ham to his wife and to his bearnum. ac ðu færst to heofonum to eallum Godes halgum syððan ðu oferswyðst ðone ungesewenlican feond. He underfeht gife eorðlices gestreones for his eorðlices geswinces. ac ðu scealt underfon ða heofonlican gife for ðam gastlican gewinne. Se munuc sceal geanbidian his edleanes æt Gode. and beon him sylf ælfremed fram eorðlicum dædum. and hine ne abysgian mid woruldlicum bysgum gif he campian sceal Criste on eornost. Hit is swiðe earfode ænigum to ðeowienne twam hlafordum ætgædere Gode and woruld-welum. ne he ða gastlican wæpnu mid ðam welum ne mæg aht eaðe aberan and winnan wið his fynd. ac he forlæteð Godes geoc. gif he lufað eorðwelan. and his sawul bið gehefegod mid swærre byrðene: Ðus ge-