Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/65

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admonitio ad filium spiritualem

and dysi forbuge. and wisdom asece. Ðære sawle miht is ðæt heo sylf ðæs lichaman lustas underðeode ðæs modes gesceade. ðæt ðæt gescead beo wylldre ðonne seo yfele gewilnung. and ðæt heo gitsunge forhogige and beo hire eaðhylde. Ðas mihta ðu miht. min bearn. ðe begitan. gif ðu woruld-cara awyrpst firam ðinre heortan. and ða gewitendlican ðing forlætst. and gewilnast ða heofenlican. And gif ðin willa bið gelome abysgod on Godes herungu. and ða his domas asmeast. ðonne bist ðu "gelic[1] ðam luftymum treowe ðe grewð wið ðone stream[2] stede fæst on wætan and byrð æfre wæstmas on godne timan symle."' and ðu bist Godes freond. ðu ðe wære ðeow æror.

IV. De Dilectione Dei.

Lufa ðu min bearn ðone lifiendan God mid eallre ðinre mihte. ðæt ðine weorc him licion. Gif se woruldmann kepð hu he his wife gelikie. micele swyðor sceal se munuc on eallum gemetum Griste gelikian. and him gecweman &, and hine lufian and his bebodu healdan. God nele ðæt ðu hine lufie mid nacodum wordum ac mid hluttre heortan and mid rihtwisum dædum. "Se ðe sægð ðæt he lufie ðone lifiendan God. and his beboda ne healdeð. he bið ðonne him sylf leas." and bið his agen pæca. forðam ðe se Ælmihtiga God sceawað his heortan swyðor ðonne his word, and God lufað ða bilwitan ðe buton facne him ðeowiað. Ure fæder and modor swuncon for us hwilon. and ðæt wæs Godes foresceawung hyra geswinc ofer us. ðæt hi us afeddon. be his fadunge ða. Nu sceolon we hi lufian be Godes sylfes lare. ac swa ðeah swyðor we sceolon lufian God ðe ure magas gesceop. and us to mannum of him. and he dæghwamlice us deð ure neode. Gif ure magas willað us geweman fram Criste. ne sceolon we forðan. ðonne hy forðfarane beoð.

  1. Psalm i. 3.
  2. Junius here reads "streamsteðe."