Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/77

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admonitio ad filium spiritualem.

hī na hwær syððan. Ðis is seo geendung ealles ðæs wlites and ðæs lichaman fægernysse. forðig ic ðe bidde ðæt ðu awende in mod fram ðillicum wlitum. and awend ðine lufe to ðære wlitigan fægernysse ures hælendes Cristes. ðæt ðin heorte beo onliht mid his scinendum leomum. fram ðære sweartan dymnysse. Ðes wlite is to lufianne ðe gewende to blisse. ðæt ðu mid Criste wunie to worulde on blisse. gif ðu hine lufast on ðines lifes ryne ðe ðe is ungewiss. ac ou becymst to gewissan ðær ðu endeleaslice orsorh byst on gefean. Bide ðe sylfum æt Gode ðæt he sylf ðe forgife snotere heortan. and ðurh-wacol andgit. ðæt ðu cunne tocnawan ðæs deofles costnunga. and his swicolan facna. ðæt ðin fot ne bestæppe on his arleasum grinum ðæt ðu gelæht ne wurde. Se snotera wer ne gewilnað ðara woruld glenga. ne ðæs lichaman wlites. ac gewilnað ðære sawle. forðam ðe Crist geglada on ðare sawle godnysse. and on hire wlite. gewilna ðu ðæs.

IX. De Aviritia fugienda.

Ne lufa ðu gitsunge ne unrihtlice welan ðe ðe ascyriað and asyndriað fram Gode. Manega gewilniað oðres mannes wolice. and hi beoð benæmede neadlunga hyra agenes. Beo ðe swide ælfremed ælc unrihtlic gestreon. forðam ðe ure æht byð mid englum on heofonum. Beo ðe wel gehealden ðæt ðu hæbbe bigleofan and hlywde wis cyle. Ne sec ðu na mare. Se ðe wyle beon weli on life. se befealt on costnunge. and on ðæs costneres grinu. Warna ðe wið gitsunge. forðam ðe heo witodlice is "eallra yfela wyrttruma." swa swa se apostol awrat. Se gitsere syl his sawle wið feo. and he wyle ofslean gif him swa byð gerymed. ðone unscyldigan for his sceatta ðingon. and manlice swerian his sawle