Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/79

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admonitio ad filium spiritualem.

to forwyrde. Ðurh gitsunge forlyst oft se arleasa his lif. ðonne he gewilniað ðara æhta. and ne warnath hine sylfne. Ðurh gitsunge losode Achan se ðegen ðe mid Josue feaht. and fakenlice behydde of ðam here-reafe ðe him was forboden on ær. and he wearð ða oftorfod teonlice mid stanum mid eallum his hiwum fram Israhela folke. Đurh gitsunge wearð beswicen eac Sawl se cyning. ða ða him leofran wæron ða forbodenan herelafa ðonne Godes willa. and he wearð for ðy his rices bedæled. and Dauid wearð gecoren. Ahab eac se kining yfele wearð beswicen for Naboðes winearde ðe he wolice genam. and he for ðam hraðe feoll on gefeohte ofslagen. ðæt swa wurde on him gewreken Naboð ðe ær wæs ofslagen for his agenum winearde. Judas se arleasa. ðe urne Hælend belæwde for ðam lyðran sceatte ðe he lufode unrihtlice. aheng hine sylfne. and he ðæs sceattes ne breac. Ure hælend wolde ðurh his wellwillendnysse mid his halgan lare ðe he gelome sæde ðam Judeisceum heafod mannum. of hyra heortan adræfan ða yfelan gitsunge ðe him is andsæte. ac forðam ðe hi wæron wundorlice grædie. hi hæfdon him to glige his halwendan mynegunge. Nis nan leodscipe. swa grædig goldes. and seolfres swa ða Judeiscean and ða Romaniscean. be ðam ðe lareowas on bocum awriton. Sum rice man wolde gewitan æt ðam hælende. hu he mihte habban heofenan rices myrðe. ða cwæð se Hælend him to. "Ne canst ðu Godes æ. Ne ofsleh ðu mannan. Ne unriht-hæm ðu. Ne beo ðu leas gewita." and he him andwyrde. "Drihten leof hælend.