Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/116

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graceful, and that to readjust anything about her was unnecessary.

Kitty was looking her prettiest. Her gown was not too tight anywhere; her lace fichu did not slip down, her rosettes did not crush, and did not pull off; her rose-colored slippers with their high heels did not pinch her, but were agreeable to her feet. The thick braids of her fair hair kept perfectly in place on her graceful little head. All the three buttons on her long gloves, which enveloped, without changing, the pretty shape of her hands, fastened easily, and did not tear. The black velvet ribbon, attached to a medallion, was thrown daintily about her neck. This ribbon was charming; and at home, as she saw it in her mirror, adorning her neck, Kitty felt that this ribbon spoke. Everything else might be dubious, but this ribbon was charming. Kitty smiled, even there at the ball, as she saw it in the mirror. In her bare shoulders and arms Kitty felt a sensation of marble coolness, a sensation which she especially enjoyed. Her eyes shone and her rosy lips could not refrain from smiling with the consciousness of how fascinating she was.

She had scarcely entered the ball-room and joined a group of tulle-, ribbon-, lace-, and flower-decorated ladies, who were waiting for partners,—Kitty never remained long in that category,—when she was invited to waltz with the best dancer, the principal cavalier in the whole hierarchy of the ball-room, the celebrated leader of the mazurka, the master of ceremonies, the handsome, elegant Yegorushka Korsunsky, a married man and a civilian. He had just left the Countess Bonina, with whom he had been taking the first turns of the waltz, and, while looking round over his domain, in other words, over the few couples who were venturing out on the floor, he perceived Kitty, made his way to her in that easy manner peculiar to leaders of the mazurka, bowed, and without even asking her permission put his arm around the young girl's slender waist. She looked for some one to whom to confide her fan; and the mistress of the mansion, smiling on her, took charge of it.