Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/173

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friend, was going away; and life for her was not joyous. Her relations with Stepan Arkadyevitch since the reconciliation had become humiliating; the union brought about by Anna had not been of long duration, and the family concord had broken down in the same place. There was nothing definite, but Stepan Arkadyevitch was scarcely ever at home, there was scarcely ever any money in the house, and suspicions of his unfaithfulness constantly tormented Dolly, but she kept driving them away in terror of the unhappiness which jealousy caused her. The first explosion of jealousy, having been lived down, could not indeed be experienced again; and even the discovery of his unfaithfulness could not have such an effect on her as it had the first time. Such a discovery now would only break up the family, and she preferred to shut her eyes to his deception, despising him, and above all herself, because of this weakness. Moreover, the cares of a numerous family constantly annoyed her; first the nursing of her baby was unsatisfactory, then the nurse went off, and now one of the children was ill.

"And how are the children?" asked the princess.

"Akh, maman! we have so many tribulations. Lili is ill in bed, and I am afraid it is the scarlatina. I came out now to see how you were, for there'll be no getting out for me after this, if it is scarlatina—which God forbid!"

The old prince also, after the doctor's departure, came out from his library, presented his cheek to Dolly, exchanged a few words with her, and then turned to his wife:—

"What decision have you come to? Shall you go? Well! and what are you going to do with me?"

"I think, Aleksandr, that you had better stay at home."

"Just as you please."

"Maman, why does n't papa come with us?" said Kitty. "It would be gayer for him and for us."

The old prince got up and smoothed Kitty's hair with his hand; she raised her head, and with an effort smiled