Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/226

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dients. You see I am a profanus in these questions, but it seems to me that this theory and its applications would have an influence on the working-man .... "

"Yes; but hold on. I am not speaking of political economy, but of rural economy considered as a science. You must study the premises, the phenomena, just the same as in the natural sciences; and the working-man, from the economical and ethnographical point of view .... "

But here Agafya Mikhaïlovna entered with the dessert of preserves.

"Well, now! accept my compliments, Agafya Mikhaïlovna," said Stepan Arkadyevitch, kissing the ends of his hairy fingers. "What nice baked chicken! What delicious beer!—Well, Kostia, is n't it time to go?" he added.

Levin looked out of the window toward the sun, which was sinking behind the tree-tops, still bare and leafless.

"It is time. Kuzma, have the horses hitched up," he cried, as he went down-stairs.

Stepan Arkadyevitch followed him, and carefully removed the canvas covering from the lacquered case, and, having opened it, proceeded to take out his costly gun, which was of the newest pattern.

Kuzma, already scenting a generous fee, gave him assiduous attention, and helped him put on his stockings and his hunting-boots; and Stepan Arkadyevitch accepted his aid complacently.

"If the merchant Rabinin comes while we are gone, Kostia,—I told him to be here to-day,—do me the favor to have him kept till we get back." ....

"Are you going to sell your wood to Rabinin?"

"Yes. Why, do you know him?"

"Oh! certainly I know him. I have done business with him, 'positively and finally.'"

Stepan Arkadyevitch burst into a laugh. "Positively and finally" were the favorite words of the merchant.

"Yes; he is very droll in his speech!—She knows where her master is going," he added, patting Laska,