Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/742

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housekeeping, found it no small burden to provide turkeys, chickens, and ducks for the satisfaction of the various appetites of young and old, made keen by the country air.

The whole family were at table. Dolly's children were planning to go out and hunt for mushrooms with the governess and Varenka, when, to the great astonishment of all, Sergyeï Ivanovitch, who enjoyed among all the guests a great reputation, amounting almost to reverence, on account of his wit and learning, evinced a desire to join the expedition.

"Allow me to go with you," said he, addressing Varenka. "I am very fond of getting mushrooms; I think it is a very admirable occupation."

"Why, certainly, we shall be very glad ...." she answered, blushing.

Kitty exchanged looks with Dolly. The proposition of the learned and intellectual Sergyef Ivanovitch to go with Varenka after mushrooms confirmed an idea which had been engaging Kitty for some time.

She hastened to say something to her mother so that their looks might not be observed.

After dinner Sergyeï Ivanovitch was sitting at the drawing-room window with his cup of coffee, still talking with his brother on some topic which they were discussing, but he kept his eyes on the door through which the children would have to pass when they should start after the mushrooms. Levin was sitting at the window near his brother. Kitty was standing near her husband, evidently expecting the end of a conversation which did not interest her, so that she might say something to him.

"You have changed a good deal since you were married, and for the better.... " said Sergyeï Ivanovitch, smiling at Kitty, and evidently not taking much interest either in the conversation, but at the same time he remained true to his passion for defending the most paradoxical themes.

"Katya, it is not well for you to stand," said her husband, moving up a chair for her and giving her a significant look.