Page:Annals of the Poor (1829, London).djvu/32

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1827,) he contracted a violent cold, which issued in pleurisy; from which however he shortly appeared to be recovering. During all this time, when certainly no immediate danger was apprehended, he was peacefully and quietly setting his house in order. To his family he knew the idea of separation would be agony: he therefore scarcely hinted to them what he felt was nigh at hand: but to a clerical friend, he, in striking words, professed that simple reliance on the atonement of Christ, which alone can cheer and support the soul in the hour of dissolution. It soon became evident to those around him, that the flood of life was ebbing calmly yet fast: and at last, (May 8,) without pain or struggle, the ready spirit sweetly and softly passed from her mortal tenement: and Legh Richmond slept in Jesus.

Farewell, dear friend and father! Very pleasant were the hours and years of our