Page:Anne of Avonlea (1909).djvu/165

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was rather glad that Marilla was not by to be shocked. Marilla, it is needless to say, was bringing the twins up in the good old ways of theology and discouraged all fanciful speculations thereupon. Davy and Dora were taught a hymn, a catechism question, and two Bible verses every Sunday. Dora learned meekly and recited like a little machine, with perhaps as much understanding or interest as if she were one. Davy, on the contrary, had a lively curiosity, and frequently asked questions which made Marilla tremble for his fate.

“Chester Sloane says we’ll do nothing all the time in heaven but walk around in white dresses and play on harps; and he says he hopes he won’t have to go till he’s an old man, ’cause maybe he’ll like it better then. And he thinks it will be horrid to wear dresses and I think so too. Why can’t men angels wear trousers, Anne? Chester Sloane is interested in those things, ’cause they’re going to make a minister of him. He’s got to be a minister ’cause his grandmother left the money to send him to college and he can’t have it unless he is a minister. She thought a minister was such a ’spectable thing to have in a family. Chester says he doesn’t mind much . . . though he’d rather be a blacksmith . . . but he’s bound to have all the fun he can before he begins to be a minister, ’cause he doesn’t expect to have much afterwards. I ain’t going to be a minister. I’m going to be a storekeeper, like Mr. Blair, and keep heaps of candy and bananas. But I’d rather like going to your kind of