Page:Anne of Avonlea (1909).djvu/237

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grounds are flourishing, and the trustees have promised me that they will fence in the school grounds next year. If they do I’ll have an arbour day and every scholar shall plant a tree; and we’ll have a garden in the corner by the road.”

“We’ve succeeded in almost all our plans so far, except in getting the old Boulter house removed,” said Gilbert, “and I’ve given that up in despair. Levi won’t have it taken down just to vex us. There’s a contrary streak in all the Boulters and it’s strongly developed in him.”

“Julia Bell wants to send another committee to him, but I think the better way will just be to leave him severely alone,” said Anne sagely.

“And trust to Providence, as Mrs. Lynde says,” smiled Gilbert. “Certainly, no more committees. They only aggravate him. Julia Bell thinks you can do anything, if you only have a committee to attempt it. Next spring, Anne, we must start an agitation for nice lawns and grounds. We’ll sow good seed betimes this winter. I’ve a treatise here on lawns and lawn-making and I’m going to prepare a paper on the subject soon. Well, I suppose our vacation is almost over. School opens Monday. Has Ruby Gillis got the Carmody school?”

“Yes; Priscilla wrote that she had taken her own home school, so the Carmody trustees gave it to Ruby. I’m sorry Priscilla is not coming back, but since she can’t I’m glad Ruby has got the school. She will be home for Saturdays and it will seem like old times,